We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions and answers to help you get the most out of our products and services.
- 1. Do you have an influencer or collabs program?
- 2. How much do you pay collabs?
- 3. Do you have a special influencer program for dermatologists and beauty industry professionals?
- 4. What are the program terms and conditions?
- 5. What types of posts are you looking for?
- 6. How do I sign up?
- 7. How do I make my followers use my code?
- 8. How does Shopify Collabs work?
- 9. Where can I learn more about No BS or skincare in general?
- 10. I want to offer a unique benefit to my followers?
- 11. What is the minimum follower count required for the microinfluencer program?
- 12: What are the guidelines for content creation?
- 13: What is the process for reporting sales?